Sunday, July 10, 2011

Been awhile...

Hey all! So I have haven't posted here in a bit, but I wanted to leave a note here to anyone that may stop by that I haven't abandoned Carl's Large Story!! I spent the last year tweaking the story making, becoming even happier with it. Personally speaking, my son was born 3 months ago and I've taken some time off comics to enjoy these first months of his life! As you can imagine, free time is precious with a full-time job and a kid, but I am slowly putting together a plan to get this thing published and I will be sure to post here when I have more details!

Until then, you can check out my new personal art site, which is still in the works but up nonetheless. I hope to have some new comics up there by the end of the year.


Monday, September 6, 2010

CLS 273-308


That's right. Call me Johnny Last Post!! 35 pages!!

Now that I have all the web pages ready I couldn't wait. This is the end! I first posted Sept, 12 2006, So I wanted to finish before I went over four years. I hope you guys enjoy it. I will be updating the archive and working on a print edition as well as working on new comics in the coming months. Thanks to everyone who read this or bought a mini, a shout-out, a doll, or just encouraged me to finish. The conditions under which this story were completed were not ideal. My wife and I have lived in four different places since January, but we have finally settled and now I plan on getting to some other new work at a much quicker pace! Well, I PLAN on it anyway. It may or may not be Carl stuff, but I plan on posting my progress on the book, and whatever else is going on, here.

So, thanks. Let me know what you think! Stay super-sick!



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

CLS 271/272